Kindertransport to Coventry: Hanna Miley's Memories of the City
For Coventry Archives. Available at: Archive Blog: Kindertransport to Coventry - The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum Author and German Jewish refugee Hanna Miley shares childhood memories of the city in our latest archive blog Hanna Miley, taken from a snippet of her upcoming documentary, which you can watch online here . As part of our ongoing efforts to investigate the gaps in our archives, we’ve recently learned about the significance of Coventry during the 1938-40 Kindertransport. This was the organised passage of 10,000 Jewish children via train to escape Nazi persecution – and Coventry played a major role in rehoming – but we have no records of this beyond oral histories. We spoke to Hanna Miley, an author who came to the city in 1939, at just seven years old, who remembers the Midlands as one of the friendliest places she has ever lived. Hanna grew up in a little German town called Gemünd, and when Nazi rule began to pose imminent danger, her Jewish parents Mar...